
Explore the Curriculum

Everything is Connected

We live in a complex, multicultural, high-tech, and increasingly interconnected modern world. Brimmer’s programs support the development of students who are ready to thrive today and in the future. We use exciting ways to show how all subjects are connected in our innovative approach to learning. Our teachers use methods that involve active learning instead of memorizing facts. They engage students in hands-on experiences. At Brimmer students in all divisions take on complex tasks and issues, develop skills and solutions, and master the process of learning and problem solving.

Lower School

Our Lower School curriculum offers students a developmentally appropriate program that helps foster a love of learning. We blend the exploration of creativity with the development of important skills and understanding of core content. Our aim is to prepare all students for the demands of the Middle and Upper School curriculum while nurturing their curiosity and spirit of wonder.

Middle School

In response to the rapid changes our society faces with emerging technologies and the global context, our Middle School curriculum aptly reflects those changes while complementing those courses essential for future success. Our faculty equip students with the content, skills, and understanding they will need as competent and contributing members of a global society.

Upper School

Our Upper School program presents a challenging and engaging curriculum that balances specific course requirements with a wide range of electives and international travel experiences to give students increasing choices as they prepare for post-secondary study. We offer a wide range of opportunities for students including Honors Program and Advanced Placement courses, as well as Signature Diploma Programs in STEAM, Global Studies, and Creative Arts.

Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs

Our learning environment encourages students to be inquisitive, confident, and open with their ideas and beliefs. Students receive personalized attention and our dedicated faculty works closely with each other to make the learning experience exciting and engaging.

What I am Reading Now

Sample Daily Schedules

As an inclusive private school community, Brimmer welcomes students who will increase the diversity of our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under state or federal law, in the administration of our educational policies, admissions practices, financial aid decisions, and athletic and other school-administered programs.