Chris Harman

Chris Harman is an Upper School Science teacher and the designer and coordinator of the newly minted STEAM Diploma Program (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). The grant money will allow him to purchase the additional materials needed for a Mobile Maker Lab at Brimmer and May. Materials such as CNC router/miller/engraver, vinyl cutter, power and hand tools, and an electronics prototyping suite would be added to the currently owned 3D printer to allow our students to fabricate solutions to a wide range of scientific and engineering “problems”. The Maker Lab will be mounted on three large mobile tool carts that can be moved to appropriate spaces such as the four science labs, the computer lab, the scene shop, and the art barn.
Click here to download Chris's detailed summary of the result of the Innovation Grant.
“The best way to combine all of the five core subjects of STEAM is through prototyping and making. Science and math concepts solve a problem; art leads the design process; and finally technology and engineering are employed to fabricate a physical prototype. All of this will be achieved with a Mobile Maker Lab which will benefit both our upper school students and our after school programs in the middle school.”
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