Affinity Spaces for Students

Jessica Christian, Director of DEIB

As I enter my tenth year at Brimmer, I have been reflecting on all the progress we have made as a school with regard to inclusion and belonging. Our student body continues to diversify in many ways, as does our faculty and staff. In our DEIB Strategic Plan, we have developed DEIB goals specific to the needs and aspirations of our community. We have also established an active Board of Trustees DEIB Committee.
Predating all that work more than 5 years ago was the establishment of an affinity group for students of color in the Upper School. This group was requested by a small group of students of color who, despite their friendships across race at school, felt the need for a space where they could share similar experiences of being people of color in a predominantly white environment. I remember the first meeting during Upper School lunch in a classroom in the Math Wing. The topic was hair, and the laughter that overwhelmed the room came from swapping stories about Black barbershop culture, which was shared experience for many in the room that day. It was wonderful to see the ease with which those students could talk about something so seemingly simple without having to explain its deep significance to friends who might not connect with their culture in that way.
Over the years, we have helped students create more affinity spaces, including a Jewish affinity space, a Black affinity space, and a Latinx affinity space. The purpose of any affinity space is to affirm identity, build confidence, support identity development, and be in community with others who may share similar lived experiences that have been shaped by a shared identity. We are happy now to bring this opportunity into our Lower School. We will begin offering a monthly affinity space for students in Grades 4 and 5 who identify as a people of color. The facilitating faculty will be Pre-K Teacher Taylor Vaughn and Grade 2 Teacher Talia Martino. This is an optional space that is free of charge.
Please look at the resources below to learn more about the importance and purpose of offering affinity spaces.
As an inclusive private school community, Brimmer welcomes students who will increase the diversity of our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under state or federal law, in the administration of our educational policies, admissions practices, financial aid decisions, and athletic and other school-administered programs.