Authentic Learning. Bold Thinking. Compassionate Community.

Joe Iuliano, Assistant Head of Academic Affairs

The following remarks were delivered to The Middle and Upper School Community during Opening Convocation:

In searching for a compelling way to close this Benevolent Opening (by channeling the acumen and teamwork of the Avengers in the first/best Avengers movie) and officially open the closing school year for our beloved seniors, I sought out thoughts to affirm the school year theme and the messages delivered by those who spoke before me. I did a bit of research.
On my quest, I found my way to a piece of writing titled, “The ABCs of Leadership - Authenticity, Boldness & Compassion.” Jackpot! Written in January 2024 by Nora Osman, a business blogger, “The ABCs of Leadership…” briefly presents the basics underlying effective leadership—which are authenticity, boldness, and compassion. During this gathering this morning, our school leaders—channeling some superhero thinking powers themselves—provided insight into the pursuit of these personal and communal goals and urged you to be accomplished scholars, brave thinkers, and caring citizens—not separately but in combination—basically to be authentic, bold and compassionate learners and leaders in the classroom and community.
So, to launch you in this direction this morning we got you re-engaged with the ABCs, not the letters of the alphabet—and not even the sides of a right triangle as defined in the Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2  that some of you know—but to the concepts purposefully and thoughtfully associated with those letters: A, Authentic Learning; B, Bold Thinking; C, Compassionate Community. Our authentic, bold, and compassionate speakers, through their words, let you know that they respected the intellectual capacity of this audience—of all of you. In the content, construction, and delivery of their remarks they acknowledged your academic, social, and civic potential. They spoke to you about important ideas and urged you to learn and use another iteration of the ABCs. Your teachers will further this conversation every day from now until June—and you will join in with your thoughts and reasoning. In this exchange, we will see your authentic learning, hear your bold thinking, and feel your compassion.
I urge you all as well to keep the thoughts you heard today in mind as your read, lead, feed (on the school lunch!), heed (your teachers’ and advisors’ valuable instruction), intercede (when you see unkindness), and succeed in all you do this year at school.
As an inclusive private school community, Brimmer welcomes students who will increase the diversity of our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or any other characteristic protected from discrimination under state or federal law, in the administration of our educational policies, admissions practices, financial aid decisions, and athletic and other school-administered programs.